I'm told with some regularity that I'm seen as fit, and active. I laugh when this comes up, especially after my recent injury. I do try to stay active. I'm lucky that I have a career that does not force me to sit at a desk for hours upon hours. BUT I am for from fit! I will get there though! Know why? Because of my family.
I realized the other day while looking through my facebook feed that I am hard-wired to be active, it's in my genes, my family is leading by example.
Here's just a small example....
As some of you know my grandmother had a stroke last spring at the age of 75. This originally left her almost completely paralyzed on her left side, face, arm, and leg. Her right side was also slightly effected. This occurred in mid-April. She was out of the rehab centre and walking(slowly and with a cane, but walking none the less)by Canada Day. The next week we all boarded a plane along side her to go to a family wedding. She continues to live in her own home, and with my grandfather's assistance cooks all their meals from scratch, keeps on top of the housework better than the rest of us, and continues to travel. The real inspiration though came a few weeks ago, at a family wedding, when we all got to see my Grandparents dance together as gracefully as they always have.
My Aunt was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes when she was 17 years old. By the time she was 22 she was over 200lbs. She then began jogging, and eating better, and became healthy and fit. I remember as a child going along with her for "runs", she would jog while carrying me on HER SHOULDERS!!! She gave up jogging by 30 because it bothered her knees. However, she got a stationary bike and an inclined ab board for her house, and EVERY day would spend 45 minutes on the bike, and do 200 sit ups. The week before my wedding she had to have abdominal surgery, she was told she would have to miss my wedding. She said come hell or high water she would be there! Know what? She was! Know why? Her abdominal muscles were so strong that she was able to be discharged earlier than most people. She continues to exercise regularly and she is in her 50's, having had Juvenile Diabetes for over 30 years, and she does not have any of the associated conditions that so often are fatal to diabetics MUCH younger than she is.
Another Aunt is becoming a certified yoga instructor this summer. She has already been instructing yoga, pilates, and boot camp for a few years on the small island she lives on. She also regularly runs the 10km to and from work. She and my Uncle are planning their vacation "south" for next winter. They are going to go to Machu Picchu. She is over 50 years old.
My MOM!!!! She inspires just about everyone who knows her. Five years ago she was 70lbs overweight. My sister had just headed off to spend a year abroad in Australia for University. The plan was that when Sis was finished in November, Mom would go to Australia for six weeks so they could travel together and then come home together in time for Christmas. During that year Sis was away, Mom started jogging 3 times a week with her friend, she also started going to the gym for personal training 3 times a week. By the time she arrived in Australia, she was 60lbs lighter and almost unrecognizable to Sis(she walked past her in the airport). Mom also arrived having recently received her SCUBA diving certification so that they could go diving on The Great Barrier Reef(they did 11 dives in 3 days). Mom has continued with the running and the training. She has done many 5km runs, completed the 10km this past weekend for Ottawa Race Weekend, and has done the 60km Weekend to End Women's Cancers 3 times. All of this has been accomplished AFTER turning 50!
So this summer I am taking my health seriously. I am getting off my ass and truly getting active and fit. If all these amazing people in my life can do these amazing things, I have no excuse do I? How about you?
Wow, the woman in your family make me feel so schlubby! I need to set that kind of example for my girls. I'd better get off this desk chair...